Ordering Information

Ordering Information


Production Time: Allow 7-10 business days for orders less than 5000 units. Large orders may require more time.  Allow an additional 3-5 business days for Pre-Production Proofs. We can do amazing things with delivery, so just ask our service team. 

Standard Turnaround:  ships in 10 business days.

Rush Charges:  options available at checkout

Ships Next Day              50% of order

Ships 2nd Day               35% of order

Ships 3rd Day                25% of order

Ships 4th Day                20% of order

Ships 5th Day                15% of order

Ships 6th Day                10% of order

Ships 7th Day                5% of order


Imprint Sizes (W x H):  Tell us exactly what dimension to print or we will follow these guidelines. Using the online designer, you can size your art to the exact size you desire. If you attach files, we DO NOT assume art files are to size.


Maximum Imprint Area (Online Designer Template Sizes)

Adult Standard Body:  13” x 15” (max)

Youth Standard Body:  13” x 15” (max)

Toddler Body: 7“ x 9” (max)

Infant Body: 5“ x 7” (max)

Left/ Right Chest: 5" x 5" (max)

On Pocket: 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” (max)

Back Yoke: 6" x 5" (max)

Short Sleeve: 3-1/2” x  3-1/2" (max)

Long Sleeve: 3-1/2” x 13” (max)

Leg (Shorts): 5” x 5” (max)

Leg (Sweatpants): 5” x 13” (max)

Over Size: 17” x 20” - adds $2.00(p)


Typical Imprint Sizes

Adult Standard Body:  12” x 14”

Youth Standard Body:  10” x 12”

Toddler Body: 6“ x 6”

Infant Body: 5“ x 5”

Left/ Right Chest: 4" x 3"

On Pocket: 3” x 3”

Back Yoke: 3" x 1"

Short Sleeve: 3” x  3"

Long Sleeve: 3” x 12”

Leg (Shorts): 4” x 3”

Leg (Sweatpants): 4” x 12”


Creating & Fixing Art:   We fix your art & we can create designs from scratch. Typically charges for fixes & recreations are between $30 to $100 (p). Conceptual design by quotation. 


Providing Art:  see Art Requirements


Virtual Proofs:  Your Art Approval is sent by e-mail as part or your Order Confirmation with every order. Dealers will receive generic proofs to be forwarded to clients. Not a substitute for Pre-Production Proofs.


Pre-Production Proofs: RPN Printing WILL NOT be responsible for slight shifts in color without a Pre-Production Proof.


Speculative Samples: Double price of Pre-Production Proofs. Program discounts may qualify.


Miscellaneous Print Upcharges:  For items other than T-Shirts, there may be upcharges. For nylons, bags, jackets, etc, etc, etc - please request a quote.


Youth & Adult Size Imprints: Adult & youth can be combined for pricing in many cases with a max size of 12x12" or slightly smaller. Otherwise, if different image sizes are needed, adult & youth must be priced separately.


Combined Items: Don’t assume that a variety of items can be combined for a quantity discount. T-shirts & Fleece usually work, but not Totes & Tees. Get a quote.


Exact Quantity: Misprints happen. Order of 1-2% to avoid shortages if supplying garments.


Spoilage:  Each print location is considered a production run and is subject to a spoilage rate of 1%. RPN Printing will replace garments that exceed this allowance.


Payment Terms: All accounts must pre-pay by company check or credit card, unless credit terms for N30 have been approved (credit application necessary)


Cancellations:  Cancellations must be confirmed in writing via US Mail, e-mail or fax. By placing an order online or by email, fax , phone or any other method, you understand that you are liable for all costs incurred upon cancellation and you will pay all for work done and any related charges.


Claims & Returns: Claims must be made within 72 hours from receipt of merchandise.    


Packaging: Printers' bulk dozen fold, packed in original cases is standard. Options available.


Unpacking & Packing Charges:  Customer supplied garments are subject to unpacking charges, if folded, polybagged, or other method except standard printers dozen. See pricing for charges.


Shipping: We typically ship via UPS, FedEx, USPS or Freight (LTL). Third party shipping is available. see Shipping Information


Drop Shipments: Multiple drop shipments are charged $5.00 per location. No C.O.D.'s.  

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